As we jump into a new year of programming in Granada and beyond we're reflecting on the brightest and biggest moments of 2019 at Fútbol Sin Fronteras. From adding new teams, to expanding educational support and access, to representing at the Women's World Cup and Equality Summit there is so much to celebrate... Check out the highlights from our year!
FSF expands to 3 additional communities In January 2019, FSF launched EXPANSION SITES in 3 new communities surrounding Granada, supporting more than 60 girls from La Laguna, Diamante, and Fortin to join us for our annual TEAM Camp. Since then our coaches have continued growing teams in these communities, hosting open practices twice per week and supporting more players to plug into our central programming, leagues, and special events. In 2020 our team plans to build upon these expansions and continue to track our regional impact.

La Liga Escolar hosts its 4th season
From May-June the fourth annual Liga Escolar (School League) was facilitated by FSF's Program Coordinators at our fields in downtown Granada. Eight secondary schools entered teams in the weekly league, the only formal league for young girls in the city. Congrats to our 2019 champions from Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe!
FSF represents at the Women's World Cup In connection with the Women's World Cup, leaders from sport-for-good organizations throughout the world came together to elevate the conversation around women and girls on and off the pitch. Co-Director, Veronica Balladares, represented SWB at the Equality Summit in Lyon, France sharing best practices and strengthening connections within the football for good network and other representatives from Latin American organizations. Learn more about Veronica's experience and expertise in developing girls' sport programs here!
10th Annual Copa de La Paz
The annual Peace Cup hosted in celebration of the International Day of Peace (September 21st) continues to be the largest girls-only football tournament in Nicaragua. This year the event grew even more; La Copa spanned 2 weekends and included more than 300 players who took part in 10 hours of tournament play. In total 20 teams competed, representing more than 5 communities and 6 organizations throughout Nicaragua.

FSF selects new Youth Leaders
Our 'Grupo de Lideres' continues to serve as a pipeline for leadership development within FSF. After celebrating our 2019 Grupo de Lideres and their culminating community service project, FSF opened applications for our 2020 cohort, selecting 7 participants from our oldest teams to serve as youth leaders and assistant coaches in the new year. Learn more about both cohorts by following our Facebook page!
SWB hosts Sports & Leadership Camp in Boaco One of SWB's "Global Goal 5 Moments of the Year" was SWB Nicaragua's Women's Sports Corps Camp in October. Through a collaboration with Plan International-Nicaragua, Women Win, and the US Embassy, 5 FSF alumnae traveled to the department of Boaco to lead a soccer and leadership camp for girls from the communities of Teustepe, Acedades, San Jose de los Remates, la Cruz, El Emplame de Boaco, and La Cuesta. Our young Women's Sports Corps fellows exemplified what it means to be a leader throughout the camp, working hard to create more opportunities for women to participate in organized sport in the area.

Education & Scholarship Program continues to grow With continued support from the Tom Pope Fund and the Girls Rights Project our Education and Scholarship program continued to grow during its 6th year. In 2019, FSF awarded 44 scholarship recipients (including 4 university, 28 secondary school, and 12 primary school) in addition to providing school supplies, uniforms, and access to mentoring and tutoring sessions. In November, 25 participants graduated from secondary school and FSF financially supported 25 families with their daughters' transitions to secondary school. In 2020 3 new university scholarship recipients will begin their post-secondary studies with support from FSF... Congratulations to Mariangeles, Valeria, and Mileydi!
These developments are a direct result of the dedication and hard work from our participants, staff, and YOU our community of passionate volunteers, donors, and supporters. THANK YOU! Join us in kicking off the new year and building upon this success by MAKING A DONATION to support girls throughout Nicaragua.