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Volunteer Spotlight: Joel Shaffer

Soccer Without Borders

Joel has volunteered for SWB Oakland since 2017, working with the U14 boys program as a coach and academic mentor. During the pandemic, he has been a consistent presence at our food distribution site.

What has surprised you most about working with SWB? The humor of the U14 boys! They are experts at making me laugh, even on their rowdy days when they're testing my patience. 😉

What’s a favorite memory of your time as a volunteer with SWB?

The end-of-season camping trips are great experiences and a cool way to bond with the kids outside of soccer.

What’s the best part about being a SWB volunteer?

The best part about volunteering is all the amazing people I've met along the way, both participants and coaches! The kids' drive and determination is inspiring and the coaches' devotion and care is heartwarming.

What do you do when you aren’t volunteering?

I'm a transportation engineer. For fun, I like going for bike rides around the Bay and walks around Oakland, camping, travel, and reading.

Anything else you’d like to add about SWB or yourself?

Keep up the great work SWB!


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