Soccer Without Borders has been named as a 2019 Top-Rated Nonprofit by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews about nonprofit organizations!
The Top-Rated Nonprofit award was based on the impressive number of positive reviews that Soccer Without Borders has received from volunteers, partners and other donors that reflect the on-the-ground results, experiences and culture at Soccer Without Borders. One volunteer wrote: “SWB gives newcomer youth a place to belong - where their past experiences, stories, countries and cultures of origin and languages matter, but are not barriers to connecting with other youth.” Another passionate volunteer shared that “while soccer is the platform, joy and confidence are the outcome.”
According to GreatNonprofits, being on the Top-Rated list gives donors and volunteers more confidence in the reliability of the organization. After a year of engaging about 2300 youth from 68 countries across our domestic and international programs, SWB is now poised to continue into 2020 as a key actor using soccer as a vehicle for positive change.
We encourage you to visit Soccer Without Borders on GreatNonprofits to view more information about the Top-Rated award or to leave a review based on your own SWB experiences.