With support from a Get Moving grant from the Seattle Parks Department, Soccer Without Borders is running a five-week summer soccer league for newcomer immigrant, refugee and asylee youth. The league is open to high-school aged boys and will be held on Wednesday nights in July and early August in South Seattle. There is no cost to participate.
Soccer Without Borders’ mission is to use soccer as a vehicle for positive change, providing newcomer immigrant, refugee and asylee youth a toolkit to overcome obstacles to growth, inclusion and person success. The soccer field is one of the few places where newcomer youth immediately feel confident, counted and like they can express themselves and contribute. When designed with intention, soccer is a platform that can be a powerful interpersonal learning environment, providing skills and supports young people need to reach their full potential.

The Seattle Parks District Get Moving Fund from Seattle Parks and Recreation supports local nonprofit organizations, small businesses, and community groups in offering innovative and culturally relevant events and/or projects to increase participation in community sports, recreation and physical fitness activities that serve under-resourced communities (such as immigrant populations, people of color, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ etc.).
The league will be designed to provide participants maximum opportunities to practice English, make new friends, practice respect and teamwork and hone their soccer skills. Weekly league standings and the ultimate champion will be decided by goals scored as well as fair play points awarded by opponents, assessing the level of respect, positivity and sportsmanship they saw during each match.
Interested youth can sign up for the league online (individual registration, SWB will make teams). If you have questions before signing up, call Soccer Without Borders (206-569-4904) or visit the Family Center of the Seattle World School during school hours.
To learn more about Soccer Without Borders Seattle contact Director, Lindsey Whitford (lindsey@soccerwithoutborders.org)
To learn more about Get Moving, contact Recreation Program Coordinator, Lakema Bell (Lakema.Bell@seattle.gov)