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Sport Can Achieve the Goal of Healing

Soccer Without Borders

Last week, SWB staff and supporters gathered in San Francisco to discuss how the global refugee crisis is closer to home than many people realize: there are hundreds of thousands of refugees already living in the United States, and 100,000 more are slated to arrive in the next 11 months. Nearly half of these refugees are children who have either lost their families or whose families have fled similarly tragic circumstances, searching for a safe haven and a way to move forward.

The San Francisco Chronicle featured the gathering on the front page of Friday's paper, sharing the stories of Dennis and Aseel, two participants from SWB Oakland. Aseel is a refugee from Afghanistan, Dennis an unaccompanied minor from El Salvador, representing two of the largest groups of newcomers in recent years.

Read the Chronicle article here, and thank you to Ann Killion for writing this amazing piece!

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