Soccer Without Borders Partners With Northern Colorado Soccer Club To Bring
Additional Soccer Opportunities To Newcomer Youth In Greeley, Colorado
Soccer Without Borders (SWB) is proud to announce that it has partnered with Northern
Colorado Soccer Club (NCSC) to support its Greeley, Colorado Program.
Soccer Without Borders uses soccer as a vehicle for positive change in the lives of newcomer
refugee, immigrant and asylee youth. In an inclusive, safe team environment, SWB participants
form positive relationships and receive the support they need to achieve success on and off the
field. This partnership will allow the Greeley program to expand its on-field programming and
increase the amount and breadth of competition for their youth “With this partnership, we will be
able to build on the strong foundation that has already been built in Greeley and offer new
opportunities for our boys and girls to not only compete in Colorado, but to express themselves
through the power of sport" said Ryan Plourde, Director of SWB Greeley. "NCSC offers us a
wonderful local partner that will expand our footprint in the Greeley community and bring an
exciting dynamic to our traditional programming".
“Through this partnership, we will be able to offer a dynamic, inclusive soccer program for our
youth- which will only enhance our ultimate goal of 100% of SWB youth graduating from High
School,” added Plourde.
For more information about Soccer Without Borders and/or to find out how you can help, visit
www.SoccerWithoutBorders.org or send an email to colorado@soccerwithoutborders.org.
Ryan Plourde