SWB Executive Director Mary McVeigh with FENIFUT President Jose Jacinto Reyes Gatica
An indestructible soccer ball that requires no pump? Eyebrows immediately raised in disbelief. This was the reaction at the Nicaraguan Futbol Federation (FENIFUT) when SWB Codirectors Cesar and Veronica mentioned that they came bearing a donation of One World Futbols for the Federation. Many countries, schools, federations, clubs, and communities find themselves facing a similar challenge: field quality is so low that balls last only weeks before they pop or deteriorate beyond usability.
For the last few years, Soccer Without Borders has partnered with the One World Play Project (formerly One World Futbol) both to utilize the innovative product in our programs for underserved youth in the USA and abroad, but also to distribute the balls to community partners, particularly schools. Most recently, our Nicaragua team met with FENIFUT to explore an expanded 2015 partnership, one in which we hope the indestructible balls can play a role.
OWPP recently featured the partnership in this great photo piece, focusing on SWB Oakland.

SWB Nicaragua Co-Directors Cesar Morales and Veronica Balladares with the FENIFUT team, including Women's Soccer Director Dalila Lopez