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Soccer Without Borders


Serving newcomer youth in the Greater Boston Area since 2012


SWB Massachusetts in Action

A program like SWB in Chelsea is great for our kids since there are no programs like these except for the soccer leagues which tend to be pricey and competitive. SWB is fun, engaging, gets our kids active and away from technology. Also it provides a safe and fun way to socialize and increase their confidence. For our kids in our community that might not have the opportunity due to lack of economic resources, these are the programs needed for our kids to grow up with self esteem, mentors met along the way, and to believe in their potential.

-Candida, SWB Parent & Advisory Board Member

About SWB Massachusetts

A high school graduate in his cap and gown juggles a soccer ball.

Through in-school, after-school, weekend, and summer programs, Soccer Without Borders Massachusetts supports newcomer and immigrant youth to overcome barriers to participation in sport, to gain a sense of belonging, and to build social capital. SWB delivers year-round TEAM programs and intentionally-designed leagues across Eastern Massachusetts, as well as summer programs in cities such as Springfield to support specific newcomer populations. SWB actively participates in the Massachusetts sports-based youth development community, partnering to ensure that every youth has a safe environment to play, learn, and grow. 

Featured Initiatives

SWB Boston- Peace.jpg

Bringing Neighbors Together

SWB Boston Graduation 2022-2.jpg

Helping Refugee Youth Feel at Home


Logrando Nuestras Metas- Telemundo

SWB Massachusetts By the Numbers

Most Recent Year

A group of high school boys poses with arms around each other.


youth served

through all programs



retention rate


participant countries of origin

(and 11 languages spoken)


of coaches are women


total activities



of regular participants graduated from high school


Director Bruno Contreras reads a book with a young participant.

Spotlight: Director
Bruno Contreras

Bruno came to Boston from Mexico City in 2016, arriving with nascent English skills and a wealth of experience building youth development programs for youth through soccer. Joining SWB right away, he quickly  became entrenched in the SWB community in Boston. In 2020, he was named Director, and has since overseen the Hub's expansion beyond Boston. 


"There is a concept in geography called ‘non-place’ which means transitory places, where social action does not take place. Before immigrants got to this country, many were in transitory non-places such as roads, shelters, deserts, and airports. My goal as Director of Boston is to ensure that the program serves as a clear transition from such non-places to a community that feels like home."

- Bruno Contreras

Spotlight: Refugee Community Camp in Springfield

Together with Jewish Family Services, Soccer Without Borders launched programming in Springfield, Massachusetts in the summer of 2021 in response to a growing need to support refugee youth in the region. After ten years of focus primarily in Greater Boston, SWB is growing its reach across the state. 

A coach pours water on a laughing participant at summer camp.

SWB Massachusetts Partners

Building a more inclusive world requires a shared purpose and a collaborative approach. Our partners and supporters enable us to provide programming to youth free-of-cost, while also providing complementary services to youth and families when their needs fall outside of our scope.

Anna B. Stearns Charitable Foundation
City of Chelsea
Official Game Ball
Boston Scores
JFS of Western Massachusetts
Somerville Public Schools
Official Uniform Provider
La Colaborativa
South End Soccer
City of Boston Parks and Recreation
New Balance Foundation
Wellington Management Foundation

Anna B. Stearns Charitable Foundation

Bethany Christian Services

Boston Parks and Recreation Department

Cabot Foundation

Dircks Family Foundation

East Boston Ecumenical Council

East Boston Family Engagement Network

East Boston Neighborhood Health

Center/Let's Get Movin'

East Boston Social Center

Everett Youth Soccer Club

Excel Academy Charter School

Falmouth Road Race Charity Program

Kids in Need of Legal Defense

Nesworthy Charitable Trust

New Balance Foundation

Procter & Gamble

Roy A. Hunt Foundation

Salvadorian Consulate in East Boston

Stop and Shop

The Donald McKay School

Up2US Sports

Veronica Robles Cultural Center

Wellington Management Foundation 

Women's Sports Foundation


SWB Massachusetts Latest News

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