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Stories from
the Field
With year-round activities happening across our hubs in Nicaragua, Uganda, and the United States, there is no shortage of inspiring stories to share. Stay up to date with all of the latest news around Soccer Without Borders through our blog, newsletters, and social media.

Soccer Without Borders
Jun 7, 2021
Coach Rapha Returns to SWB Uganda
Guest Post: Mayele Jules, SWB Uganda Soccer Without Borders Uganda founder Raphael Murumbi “Coach Rapha” recently returned to Kampala for...

Sophia Goethals, SWB
Feb 5, 2021
SWB Oakland to Expand Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth Programs
SWB Oakland is expanding its support for unaccompanied immigrant youth in partnership with the Oakland Unified School District.

Soccer Without Borders
Jan 12, 2021
Soccer Without Borders Boston Receives Youth Development Fund Grant
Soccer Without Borders Boston is the recipient of a 2021 Youth Development Fund grant announced this week by Mayor Martin J. Walsh and...

Soccer Without Borders
Nov 9, 2020
Soccer Without Borders Boston Runs Team Marathon
104.8. That’s how many times a person has to run around a track to complete a marathon. It’s also the number of laps a group of Soccer...

Soccer Without Borders
Oct 22, 2020
FootballPeople Weeks at SWB Uganda
"Hopefully their enthusiasm and professionalism will inspire more girls from both the Ugandan and Refugee communities to follow their lead"

Soccer Without Borders
Oct 20, 2020
Advancing Racial Justice at Soccer Without Borders
On the precipice of a new season we wanted to cement our commitment to supporting the movement for racial justice in our programs and beyond

Soccer Without Borders
Oct 8, 2020
Soccer Without Borders Honored as 2020 Top-Rated Nonprofit
Soccer Without Borders has been named as a 2020 Top-Rated Nonprofit by GreatNonprofits!

Soccer Without Borders
Sep 18, 2020
SWB Co-Founder and Executive Director Mary McVeigh Connor Featured on In Her Corner Podcast
SWB Co-Founder and Executive Director, Mary McVeigh Connor, was recently celebrated as a guest on the In Her Corner podcast

Soccer Without Borders
Sep 8, 2020
Coach Vanessa: From Youth Participant to Coach and Mentor
SWB Boston is excited to welcome former SWB participant, Keydy Vanessa Rico as the newest member of our programming staff.

Soccer Without Borders
Aug 28, 2020
Summer at Soccer Without Borders Boston
We’ve been able to creatively navigate barriers and provide youth with a space to learn, build community, have fun, and simply be youth.

Soccer Without Borders
Aug 6, 2020
NorCal Premier Soccer Features SWB's Ben Gucciardi
"We need fundamental restructuring of the priorities that we have around youth soccer..."

Soccer Without Borders
Aug 4, 2020
Baltimore Ravens Award Soccer Without Borders with PLAY 60 Grant
Funding will support programs for 100 SWB Maryland middle school youth to develop their English, soccer and leadership skills.

Soccer Without Borders
Jul 5, 2020
Soccer Without Borders launches the Virtual Summer Academy
The Virtual Summer Academies combines small group sessions with at-home wellness, English language development, and academic activities.

Soccer Without Borders
Jul 1, 2020
Bruno Contreras Named Boston Director at Soccer Without Borders
Soccer Without Borders is excited to announce Bruno Contreras as SWB Boston Program Director.

Soccer Without Borders
Jun 18, 2020
Reflections From SWB 8th Grade Graduates in Maryland
SWB Maryland 8th grade graduates share some of their fondest memories from the time they have spent with SWB so far

Soccer Without Borders
Jun 18, 2020
Advice From SWB Graduates in Greeley
Soccer Without Borders has served refugees in Greeley, Colorado since 2011. Greeley became home to hundreds of refugee families in part...

Soccer Without Borders
Jun 10, 2020
Aya Features With Best in the World: Discussing Equal Opportunity
SWB Maryland's Aya, features alongside Ada Hegerberg, Blaise Matuidi, Juan Mata, and Eniola Aluko to discuss equal opportunities in soccer.

Soccer Without Borders
May 27, 2020
Soccer Without Borders Receives Colorado Relief Funding to Support Creating Belonging Campaign
Soccer Without Borders was recently awarded $20,000 of grant funding by the Colorado COVID Relief Fund to help support newcomer youth.

Soccer Without Borders
Apr 29, 2020
Soccer Without Borders Featured by SB Nation
SB Nation shines a spotlight on the transformative experience of Warshan Hussin, a former SWB Maryland participant and current staff member.

Soccer Without Borders
Apr 9, 2020
Soccer Without Borders Launches Stay Home Spring Season
Today, Soccer Without Borders is excited to announce the launch of our first full Stay Home Spring Season!
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